Cory Avrutis

Helpful Websites

LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn learning is a fantastic resource for information on a very broad selection of topics. Courses are provided directly from indrustry experts and get the learner fully involved in the subject matter! It is on a paid-subscription basis, with a variety of free courses as well. Many higher level academic institutions provide students free unlimited access as well.

Future Learn
Future Learn offers a wide variety of Coding and Prgoramming courses to help build your skills in programming and gain a better understanding of how websites and apps are designed and developed. They also a numerous amount of free courses available to the public, and offer paid, certified, and unlimited length courses as well.
Stack Overflow is a fantastic community based website where follow programmers post question or problems they have, then people will provide solutions. Great resource if you're ever stuck on something and can't find a solution.

Code Academy
Code Academy is an educational tool that will teach you how to code in any programming language of your choice. It is very flexible and has good programming challenges to test your skills as you progress. The best part is its free!

Linux Man Pages
The formal Linux man pages contain extensive information about all its tools and utilities, and have proven to be a very valuable resource in the work of linux programming.